Below is the School of Mathematics procedure for submitting a grant proposal.
Before submission, all grant proposals should go through a two-tier vetting process. Please make sure that the research director and the director of your institute are informed about a proposal well before deadlines or planned submission dates. Large grants (e.g. EPSRC/ERC fellowships) must also go through a university internal vetting procedure run by the University of Bristol Research and Enterprise Development (RED) team who can also provide non subject-specific help and guidance on applying.
The Head of School must approve all research grants buy-outs and workload reduction. The prospective applicant should discuss with the Head of School what would be an appropriate workload reduction and teaching replacements.
- All grant proposals should be read first by the director of your research institute or someone nominated by them. They must get the draft proposal for feedback 14 days before submission.
- After their comments have been implemented to their satisfaction, an almost final draft should be sent to the research director for feedback 7 days before submission to get a final OK for submission.
Please note that you should complete a FEC ‘Full Economic Costing’ using worktribe. Worktribe is a Full Economic Costing (FEC) tool which enables robust costing and pricing of our research project proposals and other research activity. The project overview provides the background to the project.
Grant Application Checklists
Below is the key considerations required to facilitate accurate costing and speed up the submission process.
- For Head of School | Head of School Checklist and Guidance
- For Principal Investigator |PI Grant Checklist and Guidance
- For Principal Investigator |Technical Costing Guidance to Enable the Correct Costing of Technical Resources on Grants
- Research Indirect Return | How to Interpret the Budget Summary (UoB login required)
- Example of Worktribe Costing | How Indirect Return Rate is Calculated
Also see the Faculty SharePoint site (UoB login required)
After Submission | You should inform the research director / director of your institute of the outcome of the proposal. If the proposal is successful then the Faculty Finance team will help you set up the grant. If unsuccessful, you should go through a ‘post-mortem’ which involves going over the unsuccessful proposal and referee reports together with the research director or someone nominated by the director of your institute with recent success in similar grant competitions to identify and address any weaknesses for future applications.
Key contacts for support in this link
Successful applications are available upon request.
Contact: please contact Louise at if you would like to see examples of previous successful applications.
Good luck with your proposal!